Research Methods
MMR Strategy Group’s research methods are based on rigorous scientific research principles and best practices in the marketing research industry. As a team with significant academic training and experience, we understand the importance of applying scientific rigor and best practices in our research. Clients trust our research methods to provide accurate insights that give way to actionable growth strategies.

MMR Strategy Group has delivered thousands of surveys to major corporations, government regulatory bodies, large law firms, advertising agencies, and other clients. We conduct properly designed surveys, using a carefully selected, representative group of respondents, letting us draw conclusions about a larger population of interest. These survey insights can help our clients develop profitable marketing strategies.
We tailor surveys to address each client’s unique research needs, and customize survey methodology to the unique circumstances of each brand. Depending on the needs of the research, we may conduct surveys online, by telephone, and yes – even in person!
Concept and Product Tests
MMR concept and product tests measure reactions to a new product or service offering prior to development or launch. The information we gather helps our clients identify where to allocate product development and marketing resources to generate the most growth. Our clients have used our custom-designed tests to measure restaurant layouts, new menu items, financial services, new frozen food offerings, and much more.
Business to Business Research
Preparing to launch a new business-to-business (B2B) strategy should be as carefully planned as a business-to-consumer (B2C) enterprise. But performing B2B research can be more challenging, requiring you to find hard-to-reach respondents or consider the needs of distributors. That’s where MMR comes in. Our B2B research allows you to make your next business move with data-backed precision. We work collaboratively with our clients to gather data from a wide variety of sources, such as interviews with managers, discussions with customer-facing staff, surveys of customers or channel partners, and add that to our own analysis and expertise to achieve results.
Qualitative Research
Many surveys are quantitative–that is, they seek to put a number on the things they measure, such as customer satisfaction, brand awareness, or market share. But there are times when our clients need deep information about consumers, such as their motivations, values, or specific experiences, and these call for qualitative research. MMR Strategy Group may use qualitative research exclusively or as a supplement to quantitative methods. When the two are combined, the qualitative component might be conducted before a survey, to help us develop hypotheses or refine variables for the survey’s questionnaire. Alternatively, the qualitative component might be performed after the survey, to add depth to the analysis or provide context for interpreting the results. Our qualitative methods include focus groups, in-depth interviews (IDIs), and ethnographic and observational research.
Conjoint, MaxDiff, and Discrete Choice Studies
MMR Strategy Group conducts surveys and derives consumer preferences using advanced statistical methods, such as conjoint, maximum difference scaling (MaxDiff), and discrete choice analysis. These are powerful tools that allow us to drill down to the information our clients need, even if it isn’t available through simpler approaches.
We have designed conjoint, MaxDiff, and discrete choice studies for use in a wide variety of industries and products, and applied them to find important insights into clients’ advertising messaging, product design, brand image, competitive positioning, and consumer segmentation. Our expertise includes traditional conjoint techniques, MaxDiff scaling, TURF (total unduplicated reach and frequency, which measures the reach of different combinations of features), latent class analysis (which segments consumers according to their interest in different features), and market simulation analysis, which can predict market share for different combinations of features and price.
Pricing Optimization
MMR® pricing optimization research helps marketers determine the most profitable price point for their products and services. Pricing optimization is a powerful tool whose influence on profits and market share can affect brand success or failure. A price change of a few percentage points can have a much larger effect on sales volume. MMR® pricing optimization research helps clients find that sweet spot by determining the most profitable prices for their products or services.
We use sophisticated tools and analysis methods to help our clients optimize pricing and determine pricing tactics. These include concept and product testing methods that incorporate price; conjoint, MaxDiff, and discreet choice studies that look at how consumers trade off price for other attributes; and demand curve analyses that use pricing surveys.
MMR Strategy Group has extensive experience measuring customers’ perceptions of price and value. Our pricing research has helped clients to optimize pricing tactics for a wide variety of products and services.
MMR Strategy Group pricing optimization studies start with the understanding that customers evaluate price within a broad context that typically includes a wide range of considerations relating to products, distribution, positioning, and other factors. If you are looking for data-driven information on the best way to price your products or services, contact MMR Strategy Group
MMR Strategy Group pricing optimization studies start with the understanding that customers evaluate price within a very broad context that typically includes a wide range of considerations relating to products, distribution, positioning, and other factors. If you are looking for data-driven information on the best way to price your products or services, contact MMR Strategy Group.
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