Credible Expertise For Litigation And Advertising Claims
Surveys you can rely on
Credible Expert Testimony,
Reliable Surveys & Rebuttals,
and Strategic Marketing Insights
When more than your advertising claims, trademark rights, or brand image are at stake, you need credible survey expertise. MMR Strategy Group provides credible expert testimony and custom surveys backed by decades of experience. Our research is held to the most rigorous standards set by federal and state courts, the Federal Trade Commission, the National Advertising Division of the Better Business Bureau, the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, and other venues. Collectively, MMR staff hold ten PhDs and ten master’s degrees and MBAs, and have handled projects in a wide variety of industries, including consumer products and services, commercial goods, professional services, medical products, and more. We deliver survey insights that help our clients make better marketing, legal, and strategy decisions.
Our Areas of Expertise
MMR Strategy Group offers advertising claim substantiation and litigation surveys, expert witness testimony, and marketing research
Advertising Claim Substantiation
MMR Strategy Group conducts reliable surveys, adhering to the most rigorous standards, to substantiate your advertising claims. Led by experts with PhDs in marketing, consumer psychology, and sensory science, we take a research-based approach to our consumer surveys and expert witness opinions. The result is airtight surveys and opinions that stand up to the scrutiny of regulators, jurists, and competitors. We offer dependable substantiation for advertising claims.
Featured Blog Article
Substantiate, Don’t Exaggerate: NAD won’t let you exaggerate a competitor’s flaws, even if your product truly solves the problem
Featured White Paper
Introduction to Advertising Claim Substantiation Surveys
Featured case study
Most Likely to Recommend: Real Estate
Litigation Surveys and Rebuttals
MMR Strategy Group offers expert witness testimony from credible survey experts who are experienced at testifying in front of courts, regulatory agencies, and other venues. Our process includes designing survey questionnaires, developing test and control stimuli, determining the survey universe, collecting data from respondents, coding and analyzing survey data, and providing a report that can serve as evidence before a court or regulatory body. Our experts also provide rebuttals to surveys from opposing parties, and have extensive experience testifying under oath.
Featured Blog Article
NEW RULING! Negative Option Features Come Under Scrutiny by FTC and DOJ
Featured White Paper
Trademark Survey: Asking the Right Questions
Featured case study
Globefill Incorporated vs Elements Spirits Inc Case Study
Marketing Research
MMR Strategy Group creates growth opportunities through survey insights. We help you make better strategic marketing decisions based on customized research into your advertising, branding, and consumers. We are experienced in a wide range of marketing research methods, and we customize each project to meet your organizational needs.
Featured Blog Article
Conducting In-Person Surveys Again, Despite COVID-19
Featured White Paper
What Your Tracking Study Should Measure About Your Customers
Featured case study
Exploring New Markets: Salsa
About MMR Strategy Group
Experts in Survey Research, Consumer Marketing, and Strategy
With more than four decades of experience, ten PhDs, and ten master's degrees or MBAs among us, our team brings expertise to every situation. We have experience testifying about surveys and rebuttals in intellectual property litigation matters across a variety of venues, and understand how to navigate rules and regulations in each.
Clients choose MMR Strategy Group because our surveys conform rigorously to the best practices in surveys, marketing research, and consumer psychology. Our surveys include a thorough analysis tailored to your needs, and our litigation and claim substantiation surveys are always trial-ready—so you can feel confident that you are prepared.
Testifying Experts
outcome for our clients
An UnClear Case of False Advertising
Plaintiff Church & Dwight Co., Inc. (C&D) and Defendant SPD Swiss Precision Diagnostics GmbH (SPD) are competing manufacturers of home pregnancy tests. SDP launched a new home pregnancy test with a “weeks estimator,” called Clearblue Advanced Pregnancy Test with Weeks Estimator. The FDA approved the use of the test to tell a woman whether she is pregnant and how many weeks since she has ovulated. C&D claim that since doctors measure pregnancy based on how many weeks since the mother's menstrual period, and not since ovulation, that the Clearblue product conveys a false message.