A Taste for Claims: An Overview of Sensory Claim Substantiation Surveys A sensory claim is one made about the taste, smell, feel, or other sensory experience created by a product, and these claims may be substantiated...
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Conducting Advertising Claims Substantiation Surveys for Alcoholic Beverages
Conducting Advertising Claims Substantiation Surveys for Alcoholic Beverages Alcohol brands may use sensory claims to compete in their markets. A sensory claim is one made about the taste, smell, feel, or other sensory experience created...
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Introduction to Advertising Claim Substantiation Surveys
Introduction to Advertising Claim Substantiation Surveys Advertising Claim Substantiation Surveys: An Introduction is intended to provide some basics about why and how advertisers should substantiate advertising claims using surveys. If you’re thinking about making an advertising...
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Critical Research: Steps and Core Principles of Claim Substantiation
Critical Research: Steps and Core Principles of Claim Substantiation Claims are the foundation to convey the benefits of products and services in today’s crowded marketplace. Advertising substantiation provides supporting evidence for claims made in locations...
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