MMR Strategy Group is pleased to announce that our leadership has been selected to serve on several committees for the 2024-2025 term of the International Trademark Association (INTA). Committee selection takes place every two years and INTA committees play an important role in shaping the direction and policies of the global trademark law community. Resources produced and roles INTA committees play include advocacy, legal and digital resources, communication initiatives, and thought leaders in trademark and intellectual property.
2024-2025 INTA Committee Appointments for MMR Leadership
Dr. Bruce Isaacson and Dr. Justin Anderson will serve on The Trademark Reporter Committee
Dr. Isaacson continues his commitment to the Trademark Reporter Committee, where he has served since 2010. Dr. Anderson joins the committee in 2024. The Trademark Reporter Committee produces The Trademark Reporter (TMR), INTA’s trademark law journal. The Trademark Reporter offers thought leadership and insights on trademarks and intellectual property matters for scholars, courts, and IP professionals.
Dr. Keith Botner selected for the Publications Committee
Dr. Botner has been selected to serve on INTA’s Publications Committee. The Publications Committee is responsible for producing and maintaining INTA’s members-only legal resources. Resources include fact sheets, practitioners’ checklists, industry papers, an extensive glossary of trademark terms, and more. Resources produced by the Publications Committee align with INTA’s Strategic Plan and are relied on by much of the global trademark community.
Cheryl Jaffe Transitions from the Advertising Subcommittee of the Commercialization of Brands Committee to the Public Information Committee
Cheryl Jaffe is transitioning from her role in the Commercialization of Brands Committee’s Advertising Subcommittee to the Public Information Committee. In this new capacity, she will help guide the creation and distribution of digital content aimed at increasing public awareness about brands and trademarks. This is the online branch of publications whose focus is finding new ways to distribute information to the public. Targets for this outreach include educational institutions, entrepreneurs, marketing experts, policy makers, designers, and the media.
These appointments reflect the expertise and dedication of our team to the international trademark community, and also reflect the trust in their contributions by members of INTA. If you would like to meet with MMR Strategy Group at an upcoming INTA event, or if you require a consumer survey or expert testimony in an IP matter, please reach out directly.