Five Mistakes to Avoid for a Winning Market Segmentation Strategy—and How Well-Done Research is Key reviews the reasons why market segmentation that’s designed, validated, and executed well is a must in your marketing strategy. It...
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Materiality Claims: Conducting Materiality Surveys for False or Deceptive Advertising Litigation
Materiality Claims: Conducting Materiality Surveys for False or Deceptive Advertising Litigation provides basic information on materiality’s important role in false and deceptive advertising law, centered around the role of consumer surveys. It explains the legal requirements...
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A Taste for Claims: An Overview of Sensory Claim Substantiation Surveys
A Taste for Claims: An Overview of Sensory Claim Substantiation Surveys A sensory claim is one made about the taste, smell, feel, or other sensory experience created by a product, and these claims may be substantiated...
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Conducting Advertising Claims Substantiation Surveys for Alcoholic Beverages
Conducting Advertising Claims Substantiation Surveys for Alcoholic Beverages Alcohol brands may use sensory claims to compete in their markets. A sensory claim is one made about the taste, smell, feel, or other sensory experience created...
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How Consumer Surveys Can Help Win a Class Action Case
How Consumer Surveys Can Help Win a Class Action Case How Consumer Surveys Can Help Win a Class Action Case explores the use cases for consumer surveys in class action lawsuits and how plaintiffs and...
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